Our Services

Estate Planning Services
Every family, every estate situation, and the goals of every person are unique. No generic, “cookie cutter” approach to estate planning can ever respect your unique qualities and circumstances. We work with the client to weigh different options and explain the income, estate, family and business issues associated with the client’s circumstances. We then work with the client to implement a plan that meets the client’s objectives. Our knowledge and expertise are combined with a level of sensitivity, responsiveness and commitment that is designed to bring our clients comfort, assurance and confidence that they are making informed decisions. You will appreciate our experience, skill and perhaps, most of all, our ability to help you recognize your options and articulate your true wishes with respect to how your estate will be handled and your assets distributed upon your eventual passing.
You can look to our staff to recommend the right mix of estate planning tools for your situation, including:
- Will (or a “Last Will and Testament”)
- Revocable living trust
- Irrevocable trust
- Irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT)
- Special needs trusts
- Trust funding services
- Durable powers of attorney for making financial and legal decisions
- Durable powers of attorney for making medical and heal care decisions
- Advance directives and medical directives
- Living wills
- Business succession planning
- Closely held business planning
Probate and Trust Administration Services
Our firm has extensive experience in the areas of probate and trust administration, and has handled estates of all sizes and complexities, ranging from simple estates to large estates comprised of extensive holdings in real estate, business interests, and assets located in more than one state. For estates that are subject to probate, we work closely with the decedent’s Personal Representative (known in some other states as an “Executor”), helping them navigate the unfamiliar legal and procedural issues that probate often involves. For estates that include a trust, which may avoid probate in part or entirely, we are a valuable resource for successor trustees tasked with managing trust assets. We advise and assist both types of estate fiduciaries – Personal Representatives and Successor Trustees – in a wide range of issues, including, as applicable:
- Fiduciary duties, powers, and standards of care
- Notification of heirs, beneficiaries and creditors
- Accounting and record-keeping requirements
- Creditor claims
- Personal Representative and Trustee compensation
Guardianship and Conservatorship Services
A Guardian is someone appointed by the court to take legal responsibility and authority for the care of another individual who cannot protect themselves (in some states this is referred to as “Guardian of the Person”). A Conservator is someone appointed by the court to take legal responsibility and authority for the assets of someone who cannot protect themselves (again, some other states refer to this as “Guardian of the Estate”). One goal of estate planning is to avoid the need for court proceedings to act for an individual if he or she becomes incapacitated. However, when an individual does not have the appropriate planning documents in advance, or when certain unusual situations occur, our firm is able to represent individuals seeking appointment as Guardian or Conservator in the Arizona courts, whether under the standard proceedings or in emergency situations. There are many rules that regulate the allowable actions of a Guardian and Conservator, and many of them are not intuitive, easy to understand, or easy to follow. Our firm can assist Guardians and Conservators with following these rules, including help with preparing acceptable annual reports required by the Court and assistance with the Court-required annual accountings in the Court-mandated format. Our firm also routinely represents fiduciaries or protected individual in these cases. Under her fiduciary license from the Arizona Supreme Court, Sarah can also serve as a Conservator. This can be particularly helpful for individuals who have no close family members, those whose family members are not nearby, or those whose family members would prefer to have a professional handle the loved ones’ financial management.
Business Law Services
We understand the importance of mitigating professional liability to protect personal assets. Proper business formation is key to limiting liabilities, strategically planning for taxes and protecting the long-term interests of our clients’ companies. We integrate business succession planning as part of our clients’ estate planning through the preparation of limited liability companies and corporations, advising of ongoing legal needs, corporation commission filings, operating agreement, review and drafting of contracts and other employment agreement documents.
Fiduciary Services
In 2009, Sarah was licensed by the Arizona Supreme Court as a fiduciary, enabling her to serve both as a Conservator and Trustee. Sarah sought this licensing as a pro-active response to the increased litigation she had experienced on behalf of clients associated with cases of exploitation and asset mismanagement.
Holistic Approach
Our firm utilizes a comprehensive holistic philosophical approach to your and your family’s ongoing and ever changing legal needs in the areas of Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Administration, Guardianships & Conservatorships, Business Law and Fiduciary Services.
Please call us at 928-214-7004 or use our Contact Us page to schedule an appointment. We look forward to working with you on your legal needs.